The First Day of Classes 2024 Fall Semester at Hunter College/CUNY: Bada Bing, Bada Boom -  Part 1

The American Association of University Professors (AAUP) came under fire this month after it declared academic boycotts to be “legitimate tactical responses” and “not in themselves violations of academic freedom,” which was a reversal of its previous and longstanding position on the issue. Many have condemned this decision as a threat to academic freedom and a furtherance of the harmful politicization in higher education.
Some AFA members have written and spoken out in response, including Joshua Katz, who wrote in City Journal that the decision adds “fuel to the fire” of ongoing campus tumult, and Cary Nelson, a past president of the AAUP, who wrote in The Chronicle of Higher Education that it is an abandonment of academic freedom that violates the AAUP’s own stated values.
Linked here is a petition related to the AAUP’s new position that many of our members have shared with us and several have already signed. We are sharing it with you in case you are interested in adding your name
– Gregg W. Morris