It’s in Pre-Production. It’s Partially Filmed. It’s Seeking Investors. It’s Filmmakers Are on a Mission to Unleash the Monsters That Dwell Within Us All!

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In the Q&A below, MONSTERS’s Screenwriter-Lead Actor Jennifer Betit Yen, Publicist Taylor Lhamon and Technology Specialist and Website Designer Mohawk Kellye talk about what inspired them and other members of their team – as well as their strategic plan to find investors and finish this film,


Jennifer Betit Yen, Writer and Lead Actor (She/Her) – @JenniferBetitYen (Facebook). Taylor Lhamon, Publicist (She/Her) – & @taylorlhamon (Instagram). Mohawk Kellye,  Technology Specialist and Website Designer (They/He)


Jennifer Betit Yen-Writer/Lead Actor

What is MONSTERS AMONG US about? MONSTERS follows the journey of a normal everyday woman, Cara Urbina, who works as an investigative journalist. When Cara was young, her mother, a passionate eco-activist, was brutally murdered, seemingly by a shadowy corporation connected to a series of unsolved crimes.  Driven by grief and a thirst for justice, Cara ultimately uncovers unsettling truths about a seemingly unrelated woman, Dr. Elizabeth Murray, a renowned scientist admired for her groundbreaking research.

As Cara delves deeper into Dr. Murray’s world, she discovers horrifying experiments that challenge her perception of good and evil.

What inspired you to write the story? After the notorious trial of Nazi Adolf Eichmann, the Jewish, German-American  intellectual Hannah Arendt, one of the most influential political theorists of the 20th century, controversially described Eichmann as a “terrifyingly normal” bureaucrat whose sending of 1.5 million people to concentration camps comprised the “banality of evil.” This kind of everyday, legitimized atrocity that everyday people became complicit in is terrifying and, through MONSTERS AMONG US, I explore this idea of the banality of evil through the eyes of a journalist and a scientist, both of whom at first seem normal and likable.

As events unfold, the journalist traps the scientist in her own laboratory and becomes increasingly violent, placing the scientist in a desperate struggle for her life. It appears one is evil and the other good, however, as new truths are revealed, who is good and who is evil becomes muddier and muddier and we are left in confusion, wondering, if we just scratch the surface, whether an Eichmann lurks just beneath the surface of even the most friendly neighbor.

What do you want people to take away from seeing MONSTERS? I’d like the movie to make them think. I want viewers to enjoy the thrill ride of a psychological roller coaster and to become involved in trying to solve the murder mystery within, however, I also hope they’ll leave with many unanswered questions about morality and judgment and that this film will spark them to dialogue, debate and come to their own conclusions about them.

How do you pitch this film to investors? Welcome to the pitch for MONSTERS AMONG US, a gripping psychological thriller that delves into the depths of human morality and the darkness that resides within seemingly ordinary individuals. In this film, we explore themes of vengeance, ethical boundaries, and the chilling realization that evil can lurk behind the most respectable facades.

Mohawk Kellye-Technology Specialist

Can you tell us about the interactivity and goals behind the creation of the webpage. You created through which people interested in the movie can basically search for clues as to the killer and see if they can start to solve the murder mystery in the film.  Tell us about the interactivity and goals behind the creation of the webpage. Jennifer provided most of the vision behind the trailer as well as what she envisioned for the webpage, so I did my best to stick to this inspiration. Thankfully, since the last project we’ve worked together on, browser support for simple interactions are much more widely available, and I have a better understanding of available tools and access to more platforms that can allow for a very fast turnaround.

How are you using webpage technology to help MONSTERS obtain funding and find audiences? Everything implemented is quite simple from a technology and coding standpoint, but what’s most important is an engaging design. My background is technically not that of a computer scientist, but a visual communications specialist. I like to tap into elements that we enjoyed with Flash in the 2000s, but leveraging modern conveniences that are still mobile friendly. I’m inspired by interactive/digital multimedia like video games and online cartoons/animations and motion graphics. Gamifying online experiences can help garner interest in the material.

Taylor Lhamon – Publicist

What role do you, as the publicist, play in helping Monsters Among Us find its audience? Film publicity shifts at each stage of the process. When the project is in development, it can be helpful to work with a communications strategist to understand the film’s target audiences — specifically who they are and where to find them. From there,  you can craft a comprehensive visibility plan to begin connecting with the film’s viewers each step of the way.

Then, when an indie film is going through the festival circuit, the focus might shift toward engaging media around premieres. And, of course, in the weeks before the project’s release, it’s time to line up some interviews with the creative team and share the movie with reviewers. But if you take the time to work with a publicist in the earlier stages of development, it will help to build momentum and engage your audience throughout the film’s full run.

What should filmmakers understand about publicity and the role it plays in the performance of a project like MONSTERS AMONG US,  both when it is trying to obtain investors and funds and when it is released? I’d love for filmmakers to feel empowered to get creative around publicity! Media has been changing quite a bit these past few years.

And while the traditional press channels are still worth exploring, you can also create a buzz around a project or connect with your audience through more community-driven outlets — like social media, substacks, and podcasts. Plus, these channels tend to have a stronger feedback loop, allowing you to directly engage with your future viewers through comments and DMs. This can go a long way when chatting with investors, demonstrating that there is active interest in the project, even before production

Why should investors want to invest? Why should audiences be interested in watching it? To me of the most impactful thriller and horror movies have had a deeper message beneath the storyline. And Monsters Among Us certainly takes this same approach. The film forces both characters and viewers to confront their own views on violence, including where we draw the line between ‘good’ and ‘evil’. I think this kind of inward reflection is vital today, and MONSTERS AMONG US starts a real conversation around some pretty timely themes.




Succinct Synoptic: MONSTERS AMONG US follows the journey of Cara Urbina, a respected investigative journalist known for her uncompromising pursuit of truth. When Cara was young, her mother, a passionate eco-activist, was brutally murdered, seemingly by a shadowy corporation connected to a series of unsolved crimes. Driven by grief and a thirst for justice, Cara ultimately uncovers unsettling truths about a Dr. Elizabeth Murray, a renowned scientist admired by the community for her groundbreaking research.

As Cara delves deeper into Dr. Murray’s world, she discovers horrifying experiments that challenge her perception of good and evil.


  • Normalization of Cruelty: The film provocatively examines how societal norms and personal justifications can lead ordinary people to commit heinous acts, underlining the dangers of moral ambiguity.
  • Exploration of Vengeance: Cara’s descent into darkness explores the consequences of vengeance and the moral dilemmas faced when seeking justice through questionable means.
  • Perception vs. Reality: Dr. Murray’s transformation from a respected figure to a symbol of terror forces audiences to confront their assumptions and prejudices about who can be a “monster.”

Narrative Approach:

  • Psychological Tension: Through atmospheric cinematography and a haunting score, “Monsters Among Us” builds suspense, keeping audiences on edge as they navigate Cara’s unraveling reality.
  • Character Depth: Complex characters, including Cara and Dr. Murray, are portrayed with nuance, challenging viewers to empathize with their motivations even as they commit reprehensible acts.

Market Appeal:

  • Genre Strength: Horror and psychological thrillers consistently draw large audiences, particularly those craving thought-provoking narratives that challenge conventions.
  • Timeliness: The exploration of ethical boundaries and the dark side of human nature resonates in today’s world, where moral ambiguities and societal norms are increasingly scrutinized.

Production and Investment:

  • Creative Team: Led by actor and screenwriter Jennifer Betit Yen, known for her expertise in creating atmospheric and psychologically intense films.
  • Budget Allocation: Funds will support top-tier casting, immersive set design, high-quality production values, and strategic marketing efforts to ensure broad distribution and audience engagement.

Conclusion: “Monsters Among Us” is not just another horror film; it’s a bold exploration of the shadows within us all. By investing in this project, you are supporting a compelling narrative that challenges audiences to question their perceptions of morality and the boundaries between good and evil. Join us in bringing this chilling tale to life and making a significant impact in the world of psychological thrillers.

Contact Information: For further details and investment opportunities, please contact Together, let’s unleash the monsters that dwell within us all.