Category: About the WORD

About the word …

Students Need to Be Aware of a Never Ending Scourge: Phishing – Article by Tony Ayala

Phishing, a pox ever there was one. Hunter’s Internet Computer Instructional Information (ICIT) early in the semester that has recently ended, notified the campus of the digital menace: “We are currently witnessing an uptick in the number of phishing incidents asking staff and students to validate accounts, and share personal information. We hope that all staff and students will review this information and the awareness courses recommended in last weeks emails.”

Stay alert,” according to the warning, “for unexpected messages requesting personal information. Refrain from sharing personal or sensitive information like bank account numbers, social security numbers, or student IDs, with unfamiliar sources.” – Article by Tony Ayala.

Irrefutable Facts & Information

“The WORD is an advocate of progressive journalism and a staunch advocate of student journalism, and more than any other faculty- or student-operated news media at the City University of New York, has been in the vortex of the most contentious battles and issues regarding teaching, writing instruction and academic freedom. And it prevails.”