Orna, played by Liron Ben Shlush, is the reason her boss, Bennie, played by Menashe Noy) is financially successful in a new venture. But he subjects her to sexual harassment, sexual violence. Her husband needs her earnings to help him keep his new restaurant open. She is the principal caretaker for their children. She’s done so much for others but, yet, she is alone. Can she pull herself together to take back control of her life?
Tag: Sexual Harassment
WORKING WOMAN Film Review – Part I
WORKING WOMAN is publicized as a movie about the sexual harassment of a working Israeli wife, Orna, played superbly by Liron Ben-Shlush. It is directed by Michal Aviad whose film pushed this reviewer’s buttons – pushed them like few in recent memory. And the ending threw this reviewer, who had been gradually and inexorably pushed to the edge of his seat as if in the grip of an irresistible force, for an astonishing loop.
Citywide Ad Campaign to Fight Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Campaign follows a more than 40 percent increase in sexual harassment claims at the Commission over the last two years.
Hunter LGBT Community & the Bill O’Reilly Sex Harassment Scandal – Article by Carlos Diaz
Article by Carlos Diaz
The LGBT Hunter community is aware of Bill O’ Reilly, however, students interviewed by this reporter were not particularly interested in the news coverage about the Fox News scandal. They more concern abut the bigger picture regarding the prevalent tolerance of sexual harassment.