Category: Archives

Destination of old published stories.

Alina Konon

By Alina Konon on Jun 12, 2011 WORD staff in advanced writing classes can be required to write about their MTA – Metropolitan Transportation Authority – commutes. Most are straphangers. :: I moved to Washington Heights from Forest Hills on…

Students Should Know Their Rights …

… But Many Don’t By Flor-Ann Estiler on Jun 05, 2011 I walked into the Undergraduate Student Government office located in Room 121 on the first floor of the North Building early in the semester, and approached two people who…

“School, Work, Home, School Work, Home”

By Ana Prieto on Jun 12, 2011 Assignment: What are the most pressing issues in students’ lives? Neighborhoods? Communities? The most pressing issue facing their City? State? Country? :: On the seventh floor crosswalk, and sitting across from a view…

Attention Hip Hop Aficionados

By Ana Prieto on Jun 12, 2011 What happens when the passion for hip hop melds with the yearning of students for good music? Answer: “Lloyal” and B.I.C. Live at Hunter. Starting with a pre-game radio show featuring the two…