Students interviewed for this article were asked to describe the pressing issues they were facing this semester. One, Chen Pan, 22, a sophomore who hasn’t declared a major yet, described what he said was an unhinged professor who locked him…
Category: News, Commentary Opinion Fit to Print
New media potpourri
A Whopping Poetic Slam Dunk:
I AM READY, WARDEN. By Smriti Mundhra, Director of This Oscar® Nominated Best Documentary Short Film (2025)

John Henry Ramirez Deathbed Post Mortem Eulogy. All right, let’s see. Y’all can still hear me right? Y’all can still hear me? All right. If y’all are seeing this, then obviously the State of Texas has murdered me. I’m sorry that y’all had to go through that. Thank you for everything. It’s been rough, but it’s been good having y’all with me, all y’all that stuck with me. – Excerpts of John Henry Ramirez’s eulogy about his execution. Article, review by Gregg W. Morris
Queens Community Board 2, February 21, 2024 Meeting
Sunnyside – Woodside – Long Island City 43-22 50th Street, Suite 2B Woodside, New York 11377 Community Board 2 is one of 59 community boards throughout New York CIty; it is composed of 50 volunteer members appointed by the…
U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) Versus Rutgers University
One of the reasons I’m publishing this press info from OCR is because subject manner resonates in ways that reflects what’s happening at Hunter College of City University of New York where I am a tenured assistant journalism professor. I…
Best Big Screeners (Movies, Films) of 2024 According to Film & Movie Pundits Recognized, Unrecognized, Self-Appointed … and So on!

The 97th Academy Awards will take place on Sunday, March 2, 2025 at the Dolby Theatre at Ovation Hollywood. Broadcast live on ABC and Hulu, and in more than 200 territories worldwide. A red carpet show will air live at 6:30 p.j. ET/3:30 p.m.,PT, and ceremony will begin at 7 p.m. ET/4 p.m. PT. – Gregg W. Morris, Editor
Students Need to Be Aware of a Never Ending Scourge: Phishing – Article by Tony Ayala

Phishing, a pox ever there was one. Hunter’s Internet Computer Instructional Information (ICIT) early in the semester that has recently ended, notified the campus of the digital menace: “We are currently witnessing an uptick in the number of phishing incidents asking staff and students to validate accounts, and share personal information. We hope that all staff and students will review this information and the awareness courses recommended in last weeks emails.”
Stay alert,” according to the warning, “for unexpected messages requesting personal information. Refrain from sharing personal or sensitive information like bank account numbers, social security numbers, or student IDs, with unfamiliar sources.” – Article by Tony Ayala.

Chen Pan, 22, a sophomore who hasn’t declared a major yet, said in an interview about students’ pressing issues this semester, that one of his instructors was “unhinged.” Abby Guastella, 19, a sophomore who hasn’t decided on a major yet, described her worries about her classes, saying “I have so many stresses of college for one.” Lamont Jackson, a 26-year-old media studies major with a concentration in journalism, said he had one clear pressing issue: “I want to raise awareness about Christian persecution.” – Article by Tony Ayala.