Got into a major altercation with this guy on the bus in front of the Hunter College campus at 68th Street & Lexington Avenue. He threatened to stab me; he had been menacing people in the streets before the MTA bus showed up and he continued when he got on the bus.
I tried to stay out of his way but when he bumped me on the bus and started cursing me, I got pissed. We squared off and he eventually walked towards the rear of the bus but came rushing back when he saw me taking a picture of him with my cellphone. I had pulled out the cell to get a pic and then 911-the-Police. That’s why he got pissed and rushed me and we squared off again.
I wouldn’t let him get in my face and when it looked like he was about to attack. I shifted my body and stance so that I might block with my left forearm and swing with my right arm, hoping the cellphone upside his head or in his face or in his eye might put an end to the attack.
But I fumbled trying to get another pic and dialing 911 simultaneously. Passengers were screaming like their lives were being threatened but none Did-a-911. They were shouting at me to do something and shouting at the MTA bus driver. But, again, no one 911ed-the-Police.
One passenger shouted that there was a NYPD precinct about a block from where we were (the 19th precinct at 153 East 67th Street): “The precinct is nearby; why don’t you go there.” I almost started and then thought how dumb that was: Why should I run when I can dial. But I kept fumbling dialing - plus I had to keep an on the thug cause he kept rushing up to me and I would have to get ready to for what was going to be a punch-out. By the time I did connect with the police the guy fled the bus.
WAITED 30 MINUTES FOR THE POLICE WHO NEVER SHOWED. On reflection based on previous experiences with NYPD, I know that for 911 emergency calls, police will be more reactive if they get at least 2 or 3 more calls about the same incident; same with the NYFD, the more calls the better. Now, I realized no one else on the bus was going to Do-a-911.
I eventually did connect with the 911 operator for at least 30 minutes. The bus driver several times called his supervisor who never showed. The 911 operator started asked a lot of questions like what did the perp look like and was he still at the scene and was there a weapon and was anyone injured and so on … and would I speak more clearly, she said, because she couldn’t hear me well because of a lot of background noise. “Are you on speaker phone,” she asked. I’m struggling trying to talk to her and keep the perp at bay.
I’ve had other 911 experiences similar to what I’m describing except this one I was worried about being a victim. A lot of crimes are not reported. NYPD can really be slow if there is no blood and no weapon - and if there is only one 911 call. I’m considering writing an Open Letter Hizzoner.
Publisher, Editor Gregg W. Morris
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