Category: News, Commentary Opinion Fit to Print

New media potpourri

2020 Tribeca Film Festival, April 15-26

The 19th edition, 2020 Festival Includes: 115 films from 124 filmmakers from across 33 different countries; 95 world premieres, 2 international premieres, 4 North American premieres, 4 U.S. premieres, and 9 New York premieres and one sneak preview.

The Last Days of Judas Iscariot … at Hunter College

The first floor of Thomas Hunter Hall bristles with kinetic energy as theater students on deadline hustle about their tasks to prepare for the newest Hunter Theater Department main stage show, “The Last Days of Judas Iscariot.” The play by Stephen Adley Guirgus tells the story how Judas Iscariot’s fate for betraying Jesus Christ is determined before he dies. A cast of characters are pulled from the Bible and history books … such as Mother Teresa, Caiaphas, Saint Monica, Sigmund Freud and Satan.
By Laura Chavarry

Race Inquiry Digest, October 29, 2018 – Three Days of Hate Crimes