Category: 2024

Film Review and Q&A of FIRELINE (2024) Film Short – A Tour De Force That Will Have Audiences Cringing and Wincing, Twisting and Turning. Part 1 of 3

Regardless of whatever first-responder, five-star action-adventure films, video and TV shows that audiences may have seen on big and small screens, FIRELINE will have them on the edge of their seats. Keep this in mind: FIRELINE is just 12 minutes long. – Reviews & Articles by Gregg W. Morris, Editor, Writer the WORD

Film Review of a Ghoulishly Witchin’ Bitchin’ Horror Anthology With Panache Galore: LORE (2024)

Go See This Movie If one dares. This reviewer – speaking the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth – says LORE has to be scene several times to really get to the core of what the filmmakers did, didn’t do … and … so on and so forth. Nevertheless, authentic film aficionados are going to sign up early for the cult film status on the horizon. – Article Review by Gregg W. Morris.

CLAWFOOT (2024) Film Review

Fifty-sixty minutes and a few seconds into CRAWFOOT, the cinematic panache and derring-do of Director Micheal Day and Writer April Wolfe stunned this reviewer-writer who thought that for the first for 56-minutes and a few seconds that he was watching…

A Robert Greenwald Brave New Worlds Production

A powerful documentary bringing to life the brave testimony of writer E. Jean Carroll, who accused former President Donald Trump of sexual abuse. In a landmark legal case, Trump was held liable for sexual abuse and defamation, with a court ordering him to pay $83.3 million in damages.


{Facebook removed link to a article I wrote about the documentary because I used the word “Riveting” in describing the film.}

Publisher, Editor Gregg W. Morris

Can be reached at,


LYVIA’S HOUSE (2024) Film Review

Regarding LIVIA’s HOUSE, Producer-Writer Patricia V. Davis said she was determined that her movie would “avoid the worn-out Hollywood trope of chainsaw-yielding maniacs or ‘aw-shucks’ yokels whenever a film was set in a farming community.” She more than succeeded. – Article-Review by Gregg W. Morris

NIGHT OF THE HARVEST – A Cannily Made Low Budget Movie Bristling With the Panache and Moxie of a Big Budget Film. Caveat Lector: This Award Winning Film Can Freak the Bejesus Out of Audiences

Do I like this film? Rather, it’s more accurate to state that I was possessed by this film early on in the story-telling and was stunned to learn that I was possessed, that my mind, body and soul had been seduced by incredible story telling that made me suspend belief beyond belief. – Gregg W. Morris

SUBSERVIENCE (2024) Film Review – Audiences Should Know This Movie Can Scare the Bejesus Out of Them

Megan Fox, left, as an android, Alice, created by a large corporation to take care of any family and home. Looking for help with the housework. Nick purchases an Alice android after his wife becomes near fatally sick.
 Subsequently in the home of Nick and his wife, Alice – eerily similar to Skynet in THE TERMINATOR (1984) – becomes self-aware and wants everything her new family has, and she especially wants Nick – carnally. And she’s ready to break bones and slash flesh to get it. This is a must-see movie that many will want to see more than once. – Review by Gregg W. Morris.