Hunter Has Heart but you can barely see the Heart because of the balloons.

The Heart – Hunter Has Heart Leadership Cohart – starts here: Left to Right, Carissa Landes, Student Activities Coordinator; First year students Shirley Ley, of Brooklyn, psychology major, and Elise Wang, of Queens, considering pre-med as a major. This Heart is concerned with sustainable foods.
Hunter Has Heart is a cohort-based volunteer experience with a substantive out-of-classroom learning component. It aims to develop student leadership skills and to empower students with the relevant knowledge and project-based experience to make a practical impact in their local community. HHH volunteers participate in small group research projects, complete volunteer work, and perform community advocacy work. Cohort Members in the picture are concerned about sustainable food. Elise Wang: “Our group and our goal was try to see if we could implement a fresh food box here.”
Shirley Ley: “So our group for Hunter Has Heart is a leadership cohort and for our semester, we’re dealing with food insecurity and food advocacy and so we wanted to promote that availability to Hunter students” with a fresh food box available because of GrowNYC, nonprofit organization.”
Sustainable Goodies