Review of a Film Byzantine Beyond Belief and Bordering on the Unreal – GUY MANLEY: SUPER SPY

SEPTEMBER 8 CORRECTION: The correct name name of the film should be GUY MANLEY: SUPER SPY and not the old GUY MANLEY: A REAL MOVIE.

Guy Manley (played by Baltazar Ploteau), a renowned secret agent plunged into the depths of ignominy, disgrace and despair because of a debaucherous drinking problem, is drawn back into service from his alcohol-laced purgatory when his former boss, Buck Cash (played by Knut Wistbaca), orders Manley to assassinate his brother, Rich Cash (played by Anton Sjolund), to prevent his brother from becoming the new mayor of Dinburg and the most powerful person in the world!

Heads Up Information About The Who, What, Where, When, Why, How & OMG! of GUY MANLEY: SUPER SPY

The filmmakers, their backers and supporters proclaim that GUY MANLEY is not a typical feature film production because – slapping themselves on the back – all of the cinematic aspects of the filmmaking resulted because of four people only who did everything from pre-production to filming and post-production: David Andersson, Baltazar Ploteau, Anton Carlsson, and Dennis Andersson.

For example, the idea for GUY MANLEY? Director and screenwriter Andersson. He knew lead actor and screenwriter Baltazar Ploteau during their high school years. A beta version of the film was in the works during high school but was never completed. Voila! Six years after high school the cinematic project came alive, springing into action. Please note: David Andersson, Baltazar Ploteau, Anton Carlsson, and Dennis Andersson are, according to my sources, collectively are known in international filmdom as the Nattkomik film collective.

Working with composer Anton “Cloudjumper” Gustin and former classmates returning to the roles they once played in high school, the production became a multi-year reunion of late nights, laughter, sweat, and blood. Producer Erik Andersson is paraphrased as saying he joined the project after literally having his mind blown by the early version of the film, resulting in him personally investing in this film because he believed it would be bigger than Nattkomik’s previous successful short films. {Click here if you want to learn more about Nattomik.}

The film, they insist, is not just a thrilling ride through excitement and laughter but rather a fast-paced party filled with visual effects and silly one-liners. Their GUY MANLEY: SUPER SPY, according to the filmmakers, is a tribute to filmmaking and “will captivate audiences with a skillful blend of action, suspense, and dark humor.” Inspired by the feel, look, and witty lines of 80s and 90s action movies – with a touch of sci-fi and fantasy.

The film had its international premiere at the Sitges Film Festival in Spain 2023,more info about the Sitges Fest. GUY MANLEY: SUPER SPY is Not Rated.

Language: English
Release Year: 2024
Year of Production: 2024
Country : Sweden


the WORD Review

The 92-minute GUY MANLEY: SUPER SPY made, overall, as much sense to this reviewer cinematically as this reviewer’s goofy ripoff of Thomas Paine’s The American Crisis: These are the films that try reviewers’ souls. The summer reviewer and the sunshine reviewer will, in a crisis, shrink from cinematic service for their audiences but the reviewer who stands it now, deserves … and so … and so forth.

I believe that there may be measures of redeeming cinematic and narrative value for this film in these pressing times but I’ll be damned if I can find it, though the production values are quite good throughout, and the film is in the grips of whacked, gross, gratuitously gory and explicitly violent scenes such as the likes of flesh being pulverized and,or, being reduced to crimson pulp. A lot of the scenes come across at first as dumb-ass-bovine-silly … but beneath the surface there is a whiff of sophisticated slapstick brewing in an matrix of incredible hyper violence absurd and weird yet somewhat entertaining. Somewhat entertaining? By that I mean appealing to our dark sides. And So On … And So Forth.

Yet, it’s as if a top chef of savage wit assembled all the culinary and savory ingredients for a pièce de résistance and liquefied them in a Vitamax rather than cook them in an oven. Cowabunga! Can’t wait to see the sequel(s).


Cast & Crew Biographies

David Andersson – Director, Scriptwriter, Editor, VFX Artist. An up-and-coming film director from Västerås, Sweden, with a flair for dramatics, humor, and the unexpected. With a proven track record of crafting over-the-top, self-aware short comedies, David now makes his feature film debut, directing and co-writing the upcoming action-comedy ‘Guy Manley – Super Spy, a film crafted with a healthy dose of passion, humor, and unwavering dedication.

Baltazar Ploteau – Guy Manley and Scriptwriter. Actor and writer Baltazar Ploteau makes his feature film debut with the spy-comedy “Guy Manley – Super Spy”, not only as screenwriter, but also as the titular role of Guy Manley himself. Ploteau’s dopey physical appearance paired with his offbeat mannerisms make Guy Manley a truly unconvincing action hero in all the right ways.

Anton Carlsson – Cinematographer and VFX Artist. The 24-year-old luminary hails from the picturesque Västerås, Sweden, graces “Guy Manley” with his transcendent cinematography and enchanting VFX wizardry. With every frame, he conjures cinematic magic, igniting the film’s narrative in a symphony of visual splendor.

Dennis Andersson – Production Designer. From Västerås, Sweden, he’s been making films since he was old enough to hold a camera, but also likes to work with his hands, so his main role on ‘Guy Manley – A Real Movie’ as a production designer, prop builder, and special makeup artist suited him perfectly. The bloody, the funny and the spectacular are created with joy and passion!

Anton Sjölund – Rich Cash. A powerhouse of an actor, known for his commitment to every role, no matter how absurd. With a passion for creating unforgettable characters, he infuses humor into his performances while taking the craft 100% seriously. His infectious energy and versatility make him the one and only actor able to bring the villainous Rich Cash to life on the big screen.

Milton Björnegren-Lewis: Actor Milton Björnegren has the remarkable ability to walk the fine line between drama and comedy. With his rare gift for turning tragic characters into darkly humorous and relatable figures, he manages to make audiences both laugh and cry, often in the same scene. Be on the lookout for his feature acting debut in ‘Guy Manley -Super Spy’ as Lewis, a Scottish computer hacker and Guy Manley’s number one fan.



Publisher, Editor Gregg W. Morris

Can be reached at,


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