the WORD (Gregg W. Morris): What is this film about? Genre? Preferred genre? {This can keep reviewer/writer from making mistakes, missing the point or misunderstanding what the filmmaker did.}
Director Kyle Sevenoaks: Ok, so imagine you’re a music producer that’s whisked yourself away to an isolated cabin on and tiny island off the coast of Norway to have peace and quiet in order to finish your next banger track. Now imagine a cosmic storm blows over the Earth and transforms your trusty midi keyboard into a terrifying monster that wants one thing and one thing only; your flesh. This is a horror-comedy that follow the evening of Thomas as he fends off this inexplicable attacker.

Director Kyle Sevenoaks
the WORD: What do you want potential audiences to get out of your movie?
Director Kyle Sevenoaks: First and foremost I want the audience to be entertained, to laugh and be horrified at the same time.
the WORD: Why did you make this movie? What was inspiration?
Director Kyle Sevenoaks: This came out of a conversation about what would happen should a cosmic storm hit Earth, what random pieces of tech would go haywire and what ways. What we came up with was this, and it couldn’t be anything but horror comedy. I was mainly inspired by 80s/90s comedy that doesn’t take itself too seriously like THE EVIL DEAD and BRAINDEAD.
the WORD: How did you go about getting a cast and crew?
Director Kyle Sevenoaks: My main actor, Chris Wiborg, is an old friend that I know likes to have a good time and doesn’t mind being covered in various gooey substances for hours at a time, so he was my obvious first choice. The DP is my good friend Per Kristian Ingebrigtsen who I’ve seen first hand his camera skills and we got a couple of friends to fill out the various grips/crew as available.

Actor Christopher Wiborg plays Thomas Womax.
the WORD: Why did you make a short?
Director Kyle Sevenoaks: I feel like this particular story would have been stretched far too thin for a feature length film, and the time we had available to shoot it in the cabin which actually was off the coast on a tiny island only accessible by a 20-minute boat trip.
the WORD: What if any would you do differently if you went back in time to make changes?
Director Kyle Sevenoaks: I’d take more time on the insert shots and re-shoot a portion of one scene, but that’s about it for this one. I’m very happy with how it came out, especially since it only cost a maximum of $200 and a couple of weekends to make.
the WORD: Are you planning on using the production of your short to make a longer version, a feature length film or a series or a Netflix project
Director Kyle Sevenoaks: I have plans for a feature sequel that could lend itself to a larger series if the audience is there for it. Netflix would be a good home for a strange, supernatural investigative,monster-of-the-week sort of show.
the WORD: Biggest Challenges? Biggest Surprises?
Director Kyle Sevenoaks: The biggest challenge was keeping to sane working hours; we often ended up at 3 or 4 a.m .cold and covered in fake blood since the setups with a small crew took longer than we’d planned for, but it was all worth it for what we have now.
the WORD: Where will film screen first? Date? Subsequent screenings?
Director Kyle Sevenoaks: The film screened in LA on Halloween last year, winning their prize for best monster film, this year it will screen at the two biggest horror festivals in our home country of Norway, which we’re very much looking forward to.
the WORD: Where’s home?
Director Kyle Sevenoaks: Currently I’m just outside of Oslo, Norway, which will be the setting for our next film, shooting this year.

Publisher, Editor Gregg W. Morris
Can be reached @,