Category: Archives

Destination of old published stories.

THE CENTRAL PARK FIVE as a Cautionary Tale for Students

Kashima Grant
This past semester, I was introduced to THE CENTRAL PARK FIVE. It was a great learning experience to see what can happen when the ethics and moral compasses of the New York City criminal justice system and the mainstream corporate New York City journalism community are thrown out the window.

“This School Is Not Too Bad”

By Carmen Rios-Nuñez   Students interviewed for this article say Hunter provides them a decent affordable education. “This school is not too bad,” said Malik Young, 20, a junior majoring in film, who said his mother wanted him to enroll…

Getting That Degree

About 14 percent of students are able to find jobs after they graduate, according to a May, 2015 study but that LOW percentage would NOT stifle the hopes of Colleen Ashwood, a music major. “It can be scary when looking towards the future but I feel prepared,” said Ashwood “I feel as though I will have a job when I graduate from college.”

Hunter Hero Comics

By Koi Germany, Jr In a corner of Thomas Hunter Hall’s first floor, not from the security desk, lies a faded, burnt orange door. A slightly torn sign taped upon it reads, Media Board. Faint giggles and murmuring can be…