“Overall the exhibition was a very enjoyable experience and I feel inspired to draw quick sketches inspired by Matisse, Derain, and the light of Collioure.” – Coco Lin
Category: Features 2023
Coco Lin | Exhibition Review at International Center of Photography | 11 November 2023

The the exhibitions “I reviewed were very successful in terms of the way they were curated” and the the stories “they shared,” making one question “what it means to have meaningful relationships and places that become empty when people die or move away. Just looking at the images in this show makes me think about what it means to be alive. I also think about the power of images that represent home, family, and relationships.”
Soccer Is in His Blood … But He Wears a Lot of Other Hats
The latest article in a series of feature stories about students in these challenging times. This piece by Shannon McGee
“I Like New York Better”
The 2023 fall semester began August 25 in the middle of a heatwave in New York City, and Tanha Latif, 23, from Dhaka, the Capitol in Bangladesh, was interviewed for this article about her impressions, feelings, and expectations for the…
First in a Series of Articles About the Expectations and Concerns of Selected Students Interviewed in the Early Weeks of the 2023 Fall Semester
Kirby Inot’s Filipino Heritage Video
The Rantings of Kayne West Also Know As Ye (/jeɪ/ YAY). Born Kanye Omari West, June 8, 1977
Article by Wendel Abassy.
The Moynihan Train Hall Annex at NYC’s Penn Station Opened with Lots of Fanfare That Was Followed by Derision
Damn the Pandemic, Full Speed Ahead
New Year Resolutions for Better Pec Flys, Triceps, Pushdowns

A study commissioned by Planet Fitness in 2022 found that health and fitness ranked high on the list of New Year Resolutions. How high? Ninety-one percent of those surveyed. Reporter Kirby Inot decided to follow up that report. He visited the Wall Street Planet Fitness gym during the pandemic in search of stories to tell. – Article by Kirby Inot