The Spotlight section features 36 films, consisting of 18 narratives and 18 documentaries. 25 films in the selection will have their world premiere at the Festival. The opening night Spotlight film is the world premiere of Bill Purple’s drama The…
Author: Greggory Morris
Boom Bust Boom – A Tatiana Villamil PhotoJournalistic Film Review
By Tatiana Villamil Prologue After meeting with Theo Kocken, an economics professor and entrepreneur, Terry Jones decided to co-write and co-direct BOOM BUST BOOM along with son, Bill Jones, and Ben Timlett. BOOM BUST BOOM opened Theatrically March 11 in…
From Zero to All-Star Hero: The NHL’s John Scott and Its All-Star Game Controversy
By WORD Senior Editor Megan Ley March 30, 2016 The NHL needs to clean up some dirt and issue a big “I’m Sorry” card regarding the controversy surrounding hockey player John Scott and the All-Star Game that took place on…
This WORD Writer Says Obama Fulfills His Duties Despite Partisan Politics
By Julia Beach, March 27, 2016 President Obama has proved once again that he is a man of his word, and a leader who upholds the Constitution and fulfill his duties while still in office. I’m referring to his recent…
Caveat Lector Ye Rip-Off Artists of NY Freelancers
BOOM BUST BOOM Film Q&A With Co-Directors Bill Jones and Ben Timlett – Part 3, Final
BOOM BUST BOOM opened Theatrically March 11 in New York AT Village East Cinema and was release on iTunes and On Demand March 15. It’s one of those movies that this reviewer believes will been seen – and should be seen…
Part 2 – BOOM BUST BOOM Film Q&A With Co-Directors Bill Jones and Ben Timlett
BOOM BUST BOOM opened Theatrically March 11 in New York AT Village East Cinema and was release on iTunes and On Demand March 15. It’s one of those movies that this reviewer believes will been seen – and should be…
Statement by the President on the Sixth Anniversary of the Affordable Care Act
Transcript sent to the WORD by The White House Office of the Press Edited by Gregg Morris – Secretary Just six years ago, the reality in our country was that millions of Americans were locked out of our health care…
Part 1: BOOM BUST BOOM Film Q&A With Co-Directors Bill Jones and Ben Timlett
By Gregg Morris – BOOM BUST BOOM opened Theatrically March 11 in New York at Village East Cinema and was released on iTunes and On Demand March 15. It’s one of those movies that this reviewer believes will been seen…
Remarks by President Obama About His Choice for the U.S. Supreme Court
Special to the WORD from Office of the Press Secretary Via Telephone 12:18 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Hey, everybody. Thanks for joining the call. I’m not going to be long because Valerie and others are giving you some of the…