So, it’s * instead of the ***** I was anticipating several weeks ago after notification of the made-for-Netflix film’s impending release that I first mistook as a war movie in the vein of FURY then learned it was suppose to…
Category: Archives
Destination of old published stories.
What’s the Sentiment on This Campus About the Bill O’Reilly – Fox News Scandal?
Article by Matt Cavanagh
WORD reporters of the most ethically and culturally diverse four-year college of the City University New York were assigned to try and assess the diversity of opinions of some of the ethical voices on this campus felt about the Bill O’Reilly-Fox News sexual harassment scandal. This is one of those stories.
Feminist Activists and Scholars Planning to Do More to Support the 99%
By Matt Cavanaugh
Scholars and activists in the feminist movement say fighting for women’s rights and women’s issues, such as reproductive rights, sexual violence and discrimination and the wage gap, need to include fighting for economic issues and worker’s rights, gay rights and the rights of immigrants and migrants.
Hunter LGBT Community & the Bill O’Reilly Sex Harassment Scandal – Article by Carlos Diaz
Article by Carlos Diaz
The LGBT Hunter community is aware of Bill O’ Reilly, however, students interviewed by this reporter were not particularly interested in the news coverage about the Fox News scandal. They more concern abut the bigger picture regarding the prevalent tolerance of sexual harassment.
SUPER DARK TIMES Film Review, Tribeca Film Festival 2017
SUPER DARK TIMES starts with the look of a coming of age story in a small town where unpleasant things are on the horizon for the unsuspecting teen characters. One of the best movies of the 2017 Tribeca Film Festival.
FOR AHKEEM Film Review, Tribeca Film Festival 2017
USA Documentary 90 Minutes Tribeca Film Festival, April 19 to April 30 For Ahkeem Trailer from Weissman Studio on VimeoThe death of unarmed Black teenager Mike Brown at the hands of police is the sociopolitical background of this coming-of-age documentary…
Brad Pitt’s WAR MACHINE Coming to Netflix
WAR MACHINE, directed by David Michôd, appears to be a comedic and parodic take on a general’s war experiences. Nevertheless, do we really need a picture like this now?
Human Rights Watch Film Festival
Twenty-one feature documentaries and panel discussions showcasing courageous activists during challenging times. Co-presented by the Film Society of Lincoln Center and IFC Center June 9-18, 2017.
Wrapping Up the Tribeca Film Festival Games Festival: Where Is VR Heading?
The Tribeca Games Festival was a spectacular two-day fête April 28th and 29th, the last two days of the festival. The first night featured a kick-off party that gave patrons a chance to network and play some of the most talked about unreleased games, like the first-person, action-adventure game Prey and the action role-playing game, Nier: Automata.
Award Winners at the 2017 Harlem International Film Festival
Roberta Durrant’s KROTOA named Best Narrative Feature, Daniel Peddle’s GARDEN OF THE PEACEFUL DRAGON Best Documentary Feature Ilker Savaskurt’s GROOM’S BLOCK is Best World Film (Narrative) and Steven McGregor’s SERVANT OR SLAVE is honored as Best World Documentary Angela Robinson…