North American Premier
SUPPOSED Film Review

Showtime, Sunday, July 14, 3:30 p.m., at Film at Lincoln Center’s Walter Reade Theater, 165 West 65th Street NYC

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Star-crossed lovers?

This reviewer was caught off guard – floored literally and figuratively – by the snazzy, sublimely written, acted and directed film by Director Thanakorn Pongsuwan (who died in 2022 from Coronavirus complications) July 24, 2024 correction: Pongsuwan died of cancer. SUPPOSED resonates on conscious and sub-consciousness levels that influence how we see films. SUPPOSED is in the NYAFF 2024 Category of “Original films that break away from formalistic and,or narrative conventions.” This reviewer is planning a retrospective of Pongsuwan films for which he was recognized as a writer: FAKE (2003), XMAN: FAEN PHAN X (2004), FIREBALL (2009) and DEMON WARRIORS (2007).

This is a must-see movie that many will want to see more than once.

Editor, Publisher Gregg W. Morris


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