Tag: comedy

SCREAMBOAT 2025 (Teaser) – March 29, 2025 Update

Will SCREAMBOAT audiences be shaking in their boots? Guffawing their heads off? Should parents let their kids see this? Is hideous slapstick horror bad for your health? Good? What does the Center for Disease Control say? What Do Donald Trump & Musk say? This reviewer lucked out to be scheduled for screening! – Gregg W. Morris, Editor, Reviewer, Marshal of Arms (When Necessary).

Film Review Movie Short
Director Poppy Gordon’s Audaciously Slick, 13-minute-plus Pièce de Résistance, FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION

Indulging self-deluded visions of grandeur and trying to hold at bay the ennui and existential angst threatening to possess their souls, three yuppie, valley-girl types, white, circa 2021, meet up at a swank LA member’s only drinking hole ostensibly to harvest ideas to make a movie short that they imagine will boost their hotty toddy rankings on social media.
Poppy Gordon’s absurdist gem can take your mind off the doom and gloom of the surging COVID-19 Delta Variant – no matter yer race, creed, national origin, regardless if you wear a mask or not.– By Gregg W. Morris


This movie is so far out, it should have its own movie genre designation similar in vein to scientists naming a new discovered species but this, of course, is filmic and believe me it is cosmic.