By Gregg W. Morris – The lives of Ana Alvarez, a single Nicaraguan mother living and working hard in Warsaw, Indiana, and her teenage daughter, Izzy, also working hard as well as going to school and getting great grades, are disrupted because of the cruel fate of a routine check that leads to a deportation order for mom – but not for her daughter, who has just been accepted to Indiana University. The sacrifices and risks that Mom takes risks to help her daughter realize her dreams before she is deported will make many in the audience cringe.
Tag: immigration
One-Hundred-Thirty-One Groups Fighting to Remove 2020 Census Citizenship Question
The 131 groups submitted “friend of the court” briefs opposing motions to dismiss two lawsuits challenging the inclusion of an unnecessary and intrusive citizenship question in the 2020 Census. The cases are California v. Ross, brought by the state of California and several California cities and counties, and City of San Jose and Black Alliance for Just Immigration v. Ross
$1,000,000 Fund to Help Dreamers Renew DACA by October 5
The Mission Asset Fund has announced that it will provide $1,000,000 in scholarships to 2,000+ Dreamers to pay for DACA renewals by the October 5 deadline.