Category: Archives
Destination of old published stories.
Summer of Film at Lincoln Center, June 14 – August 9
Highlights include a trio of series featuring special double features: 50th Mixtape, which presents two free films back-to-back every Thursday night, combining all-time and recent favorites of the Film at Lincoln Center programming staff.
What Should Hunter Students Expect of the New CUNY Chancellor, Felix V. Matos Rodriguez
WORD Reporters Areber Rexha and Malik Young interviewed Queens College student leaders about their experiences and opinions of their former college president, Felix V. Matos Rodriguez for a series of articles. This last article is based on interviews with a few Hunter students. The reporting for the series of articles, based on the Queens interviews, was recognized with a reward by the CUNY University Student Senate.
IFC, Home to DOC NYC – the Largest Documentary Festival in the U.S. – Unveiled Its Final Lineup for the Third Annual Split Screens TV Festival
Final lineup for the third annual Split Screens TV Festival taking place Wednesday, May 29 through Monday, June 3, 2019, at NYC’s IFC Center.
Ninth Annual Lower East Side Film Festival
Innovative feature films and specialty short showcases, industry talk backs, and more. LESFF Judges include Rosario Dawson, Joe Quesada, Luke Cage,Matt FX, Tamra Simmons, Sam Levy.
YOU DON’T NOMI Tribeca Film Festival 2019 Review
Attention Jeffrey McHale: YOU DON’T NOMI is a smartly done, five stars plus debut for your first feature documentary, so you Hang 10 for the waves of approbation and disapprobation coming your way for your derring-do to step into the cinematic maelstrom of SHOWGIRLS.
Director Jenny Wright’s Animation, MY MOTHER’S EYES, 2019 Tribeca Film Festival Review
About the connection of a mother and her child, and how the child grows up remembering how the mother helped the child view the world with eyes of wonder.
The Human Rights Watch 30th Anniversary Film Festival Presents Brave Cinematic Works that Challenge the Rise of Authoritarianism and Oppression, June 13-20
As racism and xenophobia continue to rise within the highest echelons of power, this year’s festival presents cinematic works that expose and humanize cases of legalized and legitimized oppression of the disenfranchised that demand the world’s attention.
XY CHELSEA 2019 Tribeca Film Festival Review – 90 Minutes of Riveting Narrative
A superb, transcendent who-what-when-where-why-and-how about Chelsea Manning before and after her court-martial, 35-year-sentencing and subsequent pardoning by President Obama regarding her mind-bending leaking of 750,000 classified and unclassified military and diplomatic documents to Wikileaks way back when
Red Carpet, INNA DE YARD: THE SOUL OF JAMAICA, Tribeca Film Festival 2019
The goal of this eponymous documentary is to come to grips with a musical style, reggae, like other big music documentaries, such as Buena Vista Social Club, Sugar Man, or Amy and at the same time tell of the intimate lives of the legendary personalities that created it. The film is built around a series of portraits, and gives star billing to the reggae music that permeate sit from beginning to end.