The short films will be presented in 10 distinct competition programs, which consist of five narrative, three documentary, one animation, and one hybrid program. The program will also include special screenings and the 12th annual Tribeca/ESPN Sports Film Festival, sponsored by Mohegan Sun. The Shorts Film program, sponsored by Nutella®, runs throughout the Festival, April 18-29.
Tag: TFF
Legendary Game Creator Hideo Kojima at Inaugural Tribeca Games Festival, April 28-29, 2017
By Gregg Morris, April 11, 2017 Festival to Open with Mura Masa Concert, Feature Keynote Conversations with Max Payne Creator Sam Lake and BioShock Director/Writer Ken Levine Plus Talks On Overwatch, Firewatch, the Watch Dogs Universe and Much More…
CURVE, Tribeca Film Festival Review
2016 Tribeca Film Festival Audience Award Winners
Juries Announced for 2016 Tribeca Film Festival
The TFF jurors include industry leaders, award-winning actors, acclaimed filmmakers, writers, entrepreneurs, artists and cultural leaders divided among 11 festival categories. The 2016 festival runs April 13–24. Winning films, filmmakers, actors, and storytellers to be announced at TFF Awards Night ceremony…
Fifteenth Annual Tribeca Film Festival Announces Films In Spotlight, Midnight Sections, Plus the Centerpiece Film, Special Screenings, and Works In Progress
The Spotlight section features 36 films, consisting of 18 narratives and 18 documentaries. 25 films in the selection will have their world premiere at the Festival. The opening night Spotlight film is the world premiere of Bill Purple’s drama The…
The WORD Returns to the Tribeca Film Festival
From the Tribeca Film Festival Press Office March 13, 2016: Thank you for your interest in covering and participating in the 2016 Tribeca Film Festival, presented by AT&T. We are pleased to inform you that you are APPROVED for a…
Fifteenth Annual Tribeca Film Festival Announces Short Film Selections
Edited by Gregg Morris The fifteenth annual Tribeca Film Festival has announced its lineup of 72 selected short films, 45 are world premieres and 53 are in competition at the Festival. The selected shorts were curated from a record number of 3553 submissions…