“Avidly Raps” is a solo rap venture by Avid Maldonado, 27, a former student of Prof. Gregg W Morris. It was clear that he was destined for big things.
By Gregg W. Morris
Editor Marivir R. Montebon, writes, “While indicators have shown that the Big Apple has so far ‘flattened the curve’ of the spread of the coronavirus, caution and coordination have been raised by local leaders in adopting measures to reopen the economy.”
72 Hour Shootout Q&A: The Isolation Edition – In this 1st Q&A of the 2020 72 Hour Shootout filmmaking competition season, run by the Film Lab for 16 years, the 72 Hour Shootout Coordinator, filmmaker Tyler Ham Pong, answers filmmaker questions about the competition … and in this time of a pandemic!
Enthusiastic review by Gregg W. Morris