Article by Carlos Diaz
The LGBT Hunter community is aware of Bill O’ Reilly, however, students interviewed by this reporter were not particularly interested in the news coverage about the Fox News scandal. They more concern abut the bigger picture regarding the prevalent tolerance of sexual harassment.
What Student Leaders and Students Say About Trump’s Executive Order Revoking Transgender Students Rights to Use the Bathrooms of Their Choice
Article by Carlos Diaz
On February 22, 2017, a Wednesday night, Donald Trump revoked the Obama executive order that allowed transgender students at public schools to use the bathroom based on their preferred gender identityUndergraduate Student Government President Matthew LoCastro was contacted about this hostile action. The interview was conducted by email and in Q&A style.
Stonewall Inn Vigil for Orlando by Kadia Goba

Governor Andrew Cuomo, Mayor Bill De Blasio, Police Commissioner William Bratton and singer, acto Nick Jonas were among the thousands of New Yorkers who gathered for a candlelight vigil on June 13 at the Stonewall Inn, in New York City’s East Village for the 49 slain and 53 injured victims in what law enforcement authorities say is the worst in American history by one person.
It Took 23 Years to Burnish Her Marquee Name
By Tatiana Villamil
About seven years ago, Vine became a YouTube sensation. A single video of Vines, Katy Perry Dark Horse Parody, has attracted more than 1,050,000 views.
New Yorkers Can Now Use Single-Sex Facilities Consistent with Their Identities
Edited by Gregg Morris, March 7, 2016 Mayor Bill de Blasio yesterday signed an Executive Order requiring City agencies to ensure that employees and members of the public are given access to city single-sex facilities consistent with their gender identity,…