BACK TO THE WHARF (2020), directed by Chinese Filmmaker Li Xiaofeng, scheduled for North American VOD release January 17, 2023 is, 1, a gem of epic proportions with an a riveting plot that never ceases to thicken; it unfolds like a kinetically charged Rubik’s Cube; 2, superb acting and fascinating characters in unforgettable roles; 3, cinematography fabulous and profound; and 4, a soul-stirring, elegiac film score with a brooding trumpet that can pierce the coldest heart. Review by Gregg W. Morris
Category: Film/TV Reviews
Winner of the Audience Award for Best Feature Film at Silicon Beach Film Festival
“Movies are so rarely great art that if we cannot appreciate great trash, we shouldn’t go at all,” Pauline Kale was quoted as saying. And Roger Elbert, author of “Your Movie Sucks,” once acknowledged that some of his fans confided in him their need sometimes to see really bad movies even though the reasons were never explained. This reviewer believed those comments needed to be aired before he got into the guts of the review of first time director Zach Koepp’s 77-minute-long THE WILLOWBROOK, which was released on digital early in November.
The WORD’s Truth, Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth Film Review of PRESENCE, Directed by Christian Schultz
SHADY GROVE Film Review – A Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth Film Review
Duke Ellington: “Don’t mean a thing if it don’t have that swing.” SHADY GROVE comes up short on swing – but that doesn’t mean that a cult following couldn’t be in the works for a film that in many years from now could become regarded as a classic.
– Review by Gregg W. Morris
Review and Q&A for SEXTORTION, THE HIDDEN PANDEMIC (2022) – Part 3
Maria Demeshkina Peek [responding to a question about what else they were doing]: … we are presently working on creating educational modules for schools that would be five minute videos that explain the story of a survivor from different perspectives.…
Part 2, Review and Q&A for SEXTORTION, THE HIDDEN PANDEMIC (2022) – Part 2 of 3
WORD, Gregg Morris So my question is, how does the United States compare to other countries in dealing with this? Is it doing a decent job or just waking it up? Are some countries ahead of the game on…