Category: Film/TV Reviews

SHADY GROVE Film Review – A Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth Film Review

Duke Ellington: “Don’t mean a thing if it don’t have that swing.” SHADY GROVE comes up short on swing – but that doesn’t mean that a cult following couldn’t be in the works for a film that in many years from now could become regarded as a classic.

The first 14 minutes are enticing and promising, and the last 14 minutes or so are tantalizing, almost ingeniously with a startling film denouement that could inspire Director John Carpenter to come out of retirement; George A. Romero and West Craven to return from the grave; Jordan Peele to sequelize GET OUT 1, 2, 3; Nia DaCosta to sequelize CANDYWOMAN; Kari Lakes to renounce Trump, apologize to the Bidens and become a nun; Amy Coney Barrett succor Planned Parenthood.

– Review by Gregg W. Morris

STREET REPORTER Film Review – An Award Winning Cinematic Gem 26 Minutes Long, Packing the Wallop of a Full Length Award Winning Documentary

Director Laura Waters Hinson’s STREET REPORTER is a captivating documentary about homelessness featuring a homeless person cum photo journalist pursuing the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about homeless in the Nation’s Capitol. Advocacy, investigative and ethnographic journalism are fused transcendently in this 26-minute film short packing the wallop of those full length, five-star documentary films. Critics raves’ and reviews about this award winning film aren’t shy calling it as an Oscar contender.